2011年3月4日 星期五


台北即將在5月12號到5月15號有一場讓人心動的想去看的藝術博覽會, 不僅展出目前在中國相當有名氣的當代藝術家的畫, 還將展出日本三大藝術大學特別為此藝博會所創作的作品, 不僅如此更將展出在歐洲藝術史上大師級的畫作, 例如林布蘭 〈Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn〉、畢卡索〈Picasso〉和米羅〈 Joan Miró〉, 可以說是一個國際性藝術博覽會了。

From 12th to 15th of May 2011, there will be an impressive art exhibition in Taipei - ART Revolution Taipei . In the exhibition, the art works will exhibited not only including the art pieces by most famous contemporary artist from China, the works pieces which are specially created for this event by the top 3 art schools in Japan, but also European masters art works such as Rembrandt, Picasso and Miro! It is very international art exhibition.

If you will be in Taiwan during that time or you are living in Taiwan, you may try to visit it.
See you there!